By Barbara Woodard (US) and Jenny Rassaby Ryan (AU/US)

IWAP’s support for Czech charities has been fundamental to the association’s mission since inception in 1991. Charitable assistance to selected charities in the Czech Republic is formally written into our statutes as one of three IWAP purposes; the other two being fostering friendship, and organizing social and cultural activities.

After 1989 and the end of socialism and state control, foreign business people migrated to Prague to take advantage of privatization and start western style business. While privatization opened opportunities for many it also left others behind.

In the early days, IWAP members bought basic food, including flour, eggs and milk, for children in group homes; they donated money to buy furniture and basic hygiene equipment for foster homes and donated food to homeless projects. Members helped prepare meals at church based soup kitchens.

IWAP members knitted and crocheted lap blankets for older people in homes and hats and neck scarves for people using homeless services. They also sold their handiwork at bazaars and meetings to raise money for charity. Formal Charity Balls held in beautiful venues were popular fundraisers during the first two decades of IWAP.

As the Czech economy progressed and private enterprise grew, more and more Czechs took over management roles. In the charity sector, Czech Non-Government Organizations (NGO) took a bigger role in meeting the needs of those left behind.

As churches regained their right to operate they once again pursued their traditional charity work. One of the biggest charitable organizations is the Catholic Church. Caritas of the Archdiocese of Prague runs multiple agencies helping families, seniors and the homeless. The Salvation Army operates service centers, supporting homeless people, families, seniors and people with addictions. Several other religious organizations now offer valuable programs and services.

During the past 30 years, a wide range of locally-based NGOs have been formed to address needs such as hospice care, family support, social services for oncology patients, respite care for families with a child experiencing autism, services for children leaving state foster care, and early intervention services for children with developmental delays. IWAP is a valued partner for many of these charities, raising funds for individual programs and projects. IWAP’s Charity Committee meets regularly to review requests for funding, and to plan and implement fundraising and support activities. The charity committee carefully vets financial records and programs and makes site visits. IWAP aims to pick projects where we can make a difference.

In 2010, IWAP started an annual Christmas Market, raising funds for two selected NGOs each year.

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IWAP also had book tables at the annual Christmas markets of the Diplomatic Spouses Association. Markets were popular events held in big hotels and drew customers from the local population as well as the expat community. With increasing competition by other charity markets and specialist businesses, charitable Christmas markets became less viable.

In 2019, IWAP started Pop up charity events. Tea parties, Mexican Dinners, British Breakfast, and a Family Picnic at Zámek Dobřenice were some of the events attended by members and their friends.

When the pandemic of 2019 ended personal contact, IWAP quickly moved to the internet with Zoom events; members enjoyed cooking, BINGO, Game night were popular events. Appeals for donations to a specific cause were very successful.

During the past 30 years, IWAP has donated many millions of koruna to Czech charities, helping abused women, homeless men and women, children and adults with disabilities, families in crisis, and elderly people. The IWAP website gives a summary of funds contributed since 2007, which can be found here. Though the summary does not take into account the practical support by IWAP members through the years, including making sandwiches for distribution at homeless shelters, donating clothes and other essential items.

With the state and other large charities increasing their support to institutions, IWAP has chosen to fund many single events or projects, such as retreats, and Christmas presents for young adults in institutional care, that are usually not covered.

As IWAP moves into its fourth decade in Prague, and the Coronavirus epidemic is having a disastrous impact on people with fragile home situations, we have chosen to partner with Místní Místním, a new NGO which is promoting solidarity between local businesses and people in need. IWAP is also partnering with Jako Doma, another new NGO, offering social services, food and a safe environment for vulnerable women without homes. Both of these organizations stress the worth and dignity of every human being and call us to look at the homeless as fellow human beings who need our smiles and friendly interactions as much as they need the vouchers for warm food that we have been able to provide.

True to our founding aims, IWAP continues to make it our priority to reach out to support the community where we live. It’s great to be able to make a positive impact!

Gallery of Past Charity Events and Activities
(click on photos to enlarge and scroll down)