To celebrate our wonderful, unique and diverse membership, IWAP is profiling one member each month. We’re asking members the same questions that will hopefully let us – and you – get to know them better. Each month we will profile a different member, selected at random, with the answers they provided along with their photo. Lia Cordery is May’s selection.

Where are you from? Where were you born? Places you have lived?

Originally from Russia, lived in Slovakia and UK

How long have you lived in Prague? How have you seen Prague change?

I have lived in Prague for nearly three years. After living in Slovakia, which changed unrecognizably in a number of years, I have a feeling Czechia doesn’t like change so much. It has its own rules and styles, which everybody is protecting as a national treasure. But it is up to you, to live according to local rules, or you can choose to live in the “expats bubble”, which I really prefer. I am sure locals don’t mind.

What are your hobbies and interests?

I am a portrait photographer, interest which become my addiction and business. The other hobbies are making my clothes, design, singing, stand up comedy, films, painting.

What are your favorite things to do in Prague? What surprised you the most about Prague?

Eating out, city walking

Prague is a nice place to live. Because prices are so reasonable, you can eat out nearly every day. Different cuisines, with a great choice from very democratic prices to high-end Michelin star. In spite of the fact that original Czech cuisine is quite heavy, surprisingly enough local people like to eat healthy. There is a big selection of vegetarian restaurants and cafes. I am always happy to eat lunch in “ Dhaba beas”, very simple, but always very fresh and tasty.

I love “Yamy sushi”,  with my favorite Monroe rolls. And I want to mention our local Czech cousin pub Kaštan in Vokovice, which in summer becomes a second home for all our neighborhood.

What else is s very nice – lots and lots of cultural events, which you can visit practically every day. If you sign up for a list of events on Facebook, you will get invitations for many events,  some times a few a day.

What is your favorite aspect of being an IWAP member? What drew you to become a member of IWAP?

Chance to meet people and to make friends from different cultures. I find IWAP is an important part of my Prague life. To move to a new strange place is never easy. You can’t bring with you your friends and comfort you had at home. The best way is to join other people who are in the same situation. I met amazing women from different parts of the world and different cultures who always are a great support for me in understanding life in Prague and finding comfort.

What is your biggest goal for 2019?

To build up my business of photography and learn to be comfortable with myself after my children went to university. Visit my website at