The Tuesday before the beginning of Lent, is also known as Carnival, Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday.  Go to the celebrations and enjoy the colorful and lively parades.  Watch the Czech people change their normally serious personalities while in costume.  For this one day they set aside their aversion to loud noise and drawing attention and “let their hair down” to have a great time.  Join the people in masks and costumes singing and dancing on the streets, feast on pork and drink lots of beer.  There are several parades around the city.  Some of the celebrations are earlier in February.

Malostranské Masopust

8 February 2020

Starts at Loretánské náměstí and finishes in Kampa

Masopust Ctěnice:

16 February 2020

In a beautiful setting at the Ctěnice Chateau City of Prague Museum

Žižkovky Masopust

22, 23 and 25 February 2020

Various Carnival activities will take place in Prague 3 on the 22 and 23.  There is a Mardi Gras celebration on the 25th at Jiřího z Poděbrad with a parade starting there at 4:00 PM and ending at Park Radost near Seifertova Street.  This one is always very lively and fun!

For other celebrations, take a look at this website: