Despite the good economy in Prague, many people remain homeless. IWAP helps them by supporting Naděje a non-governmental social service agency.


Naděje Homeless Services Center at Bolzanova 7

The clients of this Naděje Service center are mostly young men under the age of 26, most of whom have grown up in dysfunctional families or children’s homes. They usually sleep in night shelters for homeless people or live in squats. Often, they are surviving for days and nights on the street, even during cold weather. Every client undergoes an interview with a social worker where goals are set (most often relating to job search, housing search, applying for a new ID card, assistance with dealing with employment agencies/offices, and also the fight against addiction to alcohol or drugs if this is an issue).

Phone Connections for Prague Homeless

For homeless young people, a mobile phone is not an unnecessary extravagance. Phones are vital to connect with social workers and the job market, as well as searching for information on the internet. A phone call might find them a place to sleep for the night, and the location of their next meal

During the 2019 Christmas season IWAP partnered with Naděje to provide gift packs for their clients which included sim cards, power banks and headphones.

Coats, Hats and other Warm Clothes for Prague’s Homeless

In the winter Naděje needs warm coats/jackets and hats/caps for the homeless. They also appreciate donations of socks, new socks with thick soles. Please take them directly to the Naděje Homeless Center at Bolzanova 7. The clients age from age 18 to 26, majority are men.

If you have questions contact us at

coats for the homeless