To celebrate our wonderful, unique and diverse membership, IWAP is profiling one member each month. We’re asking members the same questions that will hopefully let us – and you – get to know them better. Each month we will profile a different member, selected at random, with the answers they provided along with their photo. Suzanne Veeken is February’s selection.

Where are you from?

Born and raised in the Netherlands, but a fanatic traveler from a young age.

What brought you to Prague?

I moved with my partner Alex in March 2016. He got the opportunity to work for ING CZ and I saw our move as a possibility to leave my safe professional bubble and make one of my dreams come true: to start my own (coaching) business.

We both really wanted to live abroad together, we were open to all sorts of options, and we were lucky enough to make it happen.

What are your hobbies and interests?

Yoga, running, cycling, hiking, reading and everything that has to do with personal growth and the human behavior.

What are your favorite things to do in Prague? What surprised you the most about Prague?

One of my favorite things is to do walking coaching sessions in Petrin Park or to hike up there myself on a sunny day.

The biggest surprise for me in the Czech Republic is the amount of people in outdoor-gear during the weekends. The Czechs seem to be prepared to go hiking, cycling and camping any time of the week. For people who love the outdoors like we do, that was really something that attracted us to his country.

I also love the scenery when cycling out of Prague in summer. The fields, fresh grass, the hills. And the fact there is decent skiing two hours away from the city.

What is your favorite aspect of being an IWAP member?

The feeling of being connected and to experience mutual understanding of what it’s like to live outside your own countries’ borders. And to have met an inspiring group of women all willing to learn and reflect through the Personal- Growth group I’ve set up.

What is your biggest goal for 2018?

Take my business Growthsparks to the Netherlands, find new, inspiring professional goals, and continue to grow, learn and have fun!

Anything extra you would like to add?

Thank you IWAP!